“Agriculture is the backbone of our country” went the saying so far. But do you know that “Textile can be the backbone of Agriculture?” A textile fabric has a long history of application in agriculture. The word "agro textiles" now is used to classify the woven, nonwovens and knitted fabrics applied for agricultural & horticultural uses.
The textile materials mostly produce by synthetics in various decompositions, utilized in the mode of either woven or nonwovens. The practice of textiles is also now widen to safeguard the agro products like plants, vegetables and fruits from weather, weed and birds, etc. “Textiles always keep up its style of uniqueness by creating vast technological strides in all the fields slowly since evolution”. As technologists, we have emphasized on scope and need of the hour of ‘Agro textiles’!
With the continuous increase in population worldwide, stress on agricultural crops has increased. In order to keep grains, vegetables and flowers, it is necessary to increase the yield and quality of agro- products. Today, agriculture, horticulture area has realized the need of tomorrow and opting for various technologies to get higher overall yield, quality and tasty agro products. Adopting the hi-tech farming technique, where textile structures are used, could enhance quality and overall yield of agro-products.
Coir is a biodegradable organic fiber and hardest among other natural fibers. It is much more advantageous in different application for agricultural textiles. Coir is used commercially for the manufacture of vide range of products for varies end use applications.
Textile structures in various forms are used in shade house/ poly house, green house and also in open fields to control environmental factors like, temperature, water and humidity. It also poly avoids agro products damage from wind, rain and birds. Agro textiles like sunscreen, bird net windshield, mulch mat, hail protection net, harvesting net, etc can be used for achieving the above goal.

Technical textiles are defined as ‘textile materials and products manufactured primarily for their technical and performance properties rather than their aesthetic or decorative characteristics’. Technical textiles are reported to be the fastest growing sector of the textile industrial sector and account for almost 19% (10 million tonnes) of the total world fiber consumption for all textile uses. Agrotextiles is one of the growing areas of technical textiles. The volume of special textiles that are manufactured for agricultural applications is small compared to other areas of technical textiles. This does not mean that the use of textiles in agriculture is not significant.

» Agrotech:
» Agriculture
» Aquaculture
» Horticulture and
» Forestry.

Agrotextiles is application of textile materials in the agriculture field. With the continuous increase in population worldwide, stress on agricultural crops has increased. So it is necessary to increase the yield and quality of agro-products. But it is not possible to meet fully with the traditionally adopted ways of using pesticides and herbicides. Today, agriculture and horticulture has realized the need of tomorrow and opting for various technologies to get higher overall yield, quality and tasty agro-products
Agro textiles are laid over the cultivated areas immediately after sowing or planting. For such application Agrotextiles has to withstand solar radiation with varying surrounding temperature.

Polyethylene is resistant to radiation in the visible range. But UV radiation leads to degradation of molecular chains. Hence when used as an outdoor material polyethylene is treated with the appropriate UV stabilizers. These are special types of carbon black which convert the UV radiation into thermal radiation. Good potential to reduce the impact of UV radiation on plants by light-absorbing or light-reflecting nonwovens (light permeability: 80 to 90% to allow photo synthesis to take place).

Natural fibers like wool, jute, cotton are also used where the bio-degradability of product is essential. Natural polymer gives the advantage of bio-degradation but has low service life when compared to the synthetics.


This is achieved by means of fiber materials which allow taking in much water and by filling in super-absorbers. While nonwovens meant for the covering of plants show a mass per unit area of 15 to 60 gm/m2, values between 100 and 500 g/m2 are reached with materials for use on embankments and slopes.

Protection from wind and the creation of a micro-climate between the ground and the nonwovens, which results in temperature and humidity being balanced out. At the same time, temperature in the root area rise. This is what causes earlier harvests. Sufficient stiffness, flexibility, evenness, elasticity, bio-degradability, dimensional stability and resistance to wetness. Fungicidal finish (upto 2% of the total mass), which avoids soil contamination.

Several techniques of fabric production can be used to produce Agro textiles; each method offers specific advantages for particular product. The techniques are,

• Woven
• Knitting
• Nonwoven


Woven products are produced by using weaving machines especially Sulzer projectile weaving machines. The range of light to heavy and wide width fabric production is possible with Sulzer projectile weaving machine. The machines with weaving width of 540cm to 846cm are available for the production of agro textiles. The nets with a mesh width of 1.8mm to 40mm can be produced. Other systems of woven fabric production such as air jet and rapier weaving machines are not preferred for the manufacture of such fabrics, as they do not have required weaving width.

Warp knitting technique is most widely used compare than the weft knitting. Warp knitted protective nets are used in different sectors, which are produced on raschel machines. Agro nets are produced in various constructions or lapping. Here, the construction or lapping is a way in which individual yarn systems are converted into fabrics.


There are many techniques to produce Nonwoven fabrics.
• Needle-punched nonwovens
• Stitch-bonded nonwovens
• Thermally bonded nonwovens
• Hydro entangled nonwovens
• Spun bonded nonwovens
• Wet nonwovens
Spun bonding and needle punch techniques are mainly used for the production of nonwoven Agrotextiles. The spun bonded fabric has high and constant tensile strength in all directions. It has also good tearing strength.

Needle punched fabric plant bags provide advantages over conventional fired clay pots. All natural fibers offer an added advantage of that the container decomposes after being planted in the ground. Even with man made fibers the roots find their way through the fabric.


Wide varieties of agro textile products are available and the selection of suitable type of products depends on the protection that the crop. Selection of the agro textile is greatly influenced by the geographical location. At some location Agrotextiles are used to protect the plantation from excessive sunlight while at some places it is expected to protect plant from cold. Therefore selection of agro textile is done as per the location and the desired protection from the external agencies. With the use of high quality agro textiles quality and yield of agro products can be enhanced.

Some of the applications of agro textiles are as follows:

• Sunscreens
• Bird protection net
• Plant net
• Ground cover
• Windshield
• Root ball nets
• Insect meshes
• Turf protection net
• Monofil nets
• Tape nets
• Cherry covers
• Nets for covering pallets
• Packing materials for agricultural products


In order to protect fields and greenhouses from the intense solar radiation for healthily plant growth and good harvest, sunscreen nets with open mesh construction are used to control sunshine and amount of shade required. Sunscreen fabrics are available with different shade coefficient like 35% 50% 65% 95%. These net fabrics allow the airflow freely, so the excess heat does not built up under the sunscreen.

Open -mesh net fabrics are used as a means of protecting fruit plantation crops and vegetables from flocks of birds. Plantation area is covered from top and side to stop the birds from getting into the fields. The advantage of using pets as a cover other means of protection is that the nets only have to be erected once in the season.

Tough, knitted Monofil, nets for windbreak fences and shading/privacy screens.

A suitable windbreak, set at a right-angle to the prevailing wind, will protect plants against the harmful effects of blustery weather - which can break young branches, damage flowers and cause leaves to dry or tear. They can also be used to block sand and salinity as well as reduce wind erosion. The nets also protect against frosts and help enhance the micro-climate (Photosynthesis, and ground moisture, is improved by reduced evaporation and transpiration).While special anti-hail net grades have been designed to withstand the impact of heavy hailstorms, when installed in roof-profile above crops and orchards. This not only safeguards the current harvest but also benefits future crops, since the woody part of the plant are protected too.

Fruits, which grow close to the ground, can be kept away from the damp soil by allowing them to grow through vertical or tiered nets in order to keep the amount of decayed fruit to a minimum.

Harvesting nets are extremely helpful to those countries where labour charges are costlier. With the application of such nets for harvesting purpose the labour cost could be reduced considerably.They are laid on ground or tied under the tree so that fruits fall directly on to them.

In Windshields are used in forming to protect fruit plantation from wind this way hard as well as soft fruits can be harvested with minimum proportion of is not damage and to prevent damage to plants. It also prevents plants being cooled by the wind. These measures create favorable climate condition for growth and improve harvest yields. Windshields can have large or small openings depending on the amount of wind protection required.
For safe and speed growing of young plants it is extremely important that root system is not damaged when they are dug up, transported or replanted. Normally the root balls are wrapped in cloth. Elastic netting tubes are an effective alternative to this. The soil and root system are held together by gentle pressure from the elastic yarns surrounding them, so that root balls and the earth sticking to them can be transported safely. When the plants are transported the nets on the outside do not have to be removed since the roots can protrude through the nets. Particulars advantage of tubular net wrapping is the ease of handle.

Nets are put over the grassy areas on riverbanks. Dykes, etc so that lumps of earth are not removed while animals are grazing them. This will help in minimizing soil erosion loss and improve conservation.
Knitted flat tape nets are available in a wide range of densities for shade, reduced sunlight intensity, fruit support, privacy screening and animal protection. The nets are practical, economical and easy to install; creating ideal growing conditions by avoiding overheating, scorching and moisture loss. The low shade factor nets are used for growing vegetables, while those with medium light-reduction/screening offer ideal conditions for storage areas, cultivating flowering plants/houseplants and acclimatizing plants moved out of greenhouses. In the area of agriculture it is possible to use non-woven blanket fabric that is permeable for water, air and light and during vegetation it creates microclimate optimal for the plant development and growth. Plants are protected against weather changes (short-term frost), strong wind, hail and pests. Light weight, knitted tape, nets for shade and frost protection.
In the alternative agriculture, they often use black mulching fabric that is laid directly on the soil and prevents the growth and spread of weed, which significantly decreases or eliminates the need of herbicides. This fabric is water permeable; it allows the soil to get warm, minimizes non-productive evaporation and prevents creation of soil crust. Pegatex® S - (spun bond) is non-woven fabric manufactured by means of spun bond technology (S) from polypropylene. The basic quality of this type of non-woven fabric is barrier quality, which is used for manufacturing of single-use products. This type of non-woven fabric used in a wide range of applications, from the production of hygienic products (baby nappies, ladies hygiene products, incontinency nappies and towels) to agriculture, building industry or automotive industry.
Growing cherries has proved an uncertain business because of their vulnerability to the weather damage - especially during the blossom, stoning and fruit ripening periods. The new cherry cover system has been specifically designed to tackle these problems; offering protection throughout the season from frost, rain, hail and wind. The fabric is very tough, with a high degree of UV stabilization (to protect against breakdown in sunlight), so will provide many years of use, and the suppleness makes it very easy to handle. The unique property of this system is unrivalled performance. The cover creates a micro-climate (without hindering ventilation) which gives protection against adverse weather conditions - improving both quality and yields.
For safe transportation of fruits and vegetable to the market individual boxes are collected into larger units and these boxes are covered with wide, large mesh nets on pallets to stop the boxes being turned upside down or squashing each other. This prevents damage to goods during transportation.
Nets can be used in the form of sacks, bags and tubes for packaging of farm products for many end uses. It includes:
. Packing sacks for vegetables.
. Tubular packing nets for fruits
Net structures are preferred because of their high strength, low weight transparency, air permeability and cheapness. The pressure exerted on soft fruits is very less because of the use of flat tape yarns. Desired open-mesh structure can be produced.
Fine, woven, meshes which resist insect penetration
Clear, woven, and knitted, polyethylene monofilament meshes to exclude harmful insects from greenhouses and tunnels, or to keep pollinating insects inside. The fine woven screens protect plants from insect attack (without the use of insecticides). Insect meshes can also be placed over the openings of greenhouses to prevent pollinating insects, such as bumblebees, from escaping.
Technical textiles in the form of fabrics account for about 70% of product consumption. Of this, nonwovens have the lion’s share due to their better economy and suitability for varied applications. Fiberfill is popular for residential and industrial applications where unspun fibers are used. Only about 20% of technical textiles manufactured worldwide are made from natural fibers such cotton, silk and wool. The rest is from man-made/organic fibers. The projected global market size of technical textiles by 2010 is in the region of $20-$130 billion. As an emerging economic power, India has tremendous potential for production, consumption and export of technical textiles. The market size and potential for technical textiles in India is projected at Rs 30,000 crore by 2007-08.Manmade textiles in the form of knitted fabrics are extensively used for many agricultural end uses mainly due to their favorable price/performance ratio, ease of transport and set-up, space saving in storage and long service life. Some of the popular agricultural fabrics are plant nets, sunscreens, windshields, harvesting nets and nets for protecting crops from birds. Agricultural textiles will form 1.5% of the projected Indian technical textiles market. Nylon, polyester, polyethylene and polyolefin are the fiber materials used for agro tech. All these are manufactured indigenously at present. Warp knitting is the major technology route for Agrotech.
Coir due to its property can retain moisture for longer period. The coir non-woven or closely woven matting acts as a filter allowing the water to flow across its plane as well as separator. The mulch mats will suppress the weeds and retain moisture in the soil, which will protect the roots from winter frost and summer scorching sun.
Coir basket liners are used for hanging baskets. These coir pads facilitate better aeration of the growing media. As air can flow on more easily through the pores of coir pad, it will help the roots to grow faster and more vigorously. Coir non-woven felt cut in different shapes depending upon the size of the wire basket are used as basket liners. Coir non-woven felt due to its permeability will increase the growth and retain moisture for longer period and separate the pot soil by filtering the excess water. Basket liners are available in standard sizes or according to customer requirements.
Coir non-woven felt mats made in the form of rolls filling it with peat moss/coir pith composite are used for bio-rolls. Rapid root growth is observed using these bio-rolls. The natural product combination will support the development of plant. The bio rolls are available according to customer requirements.
Roof greening mats are manufactured with coir non-woven felt spread with seeds or seeds in laid with stitch bonded coir pads. These roof greening mats will spread on the roof surface and the seeds on the coir pads will sprout out and grow evenly on the surface. Roof greening mats are available in standard sizes or according to customer requirements.
Grow sticks are used as natural supports for plants and creepers. They consist of wooden pole wrapped with the layer of coir-fibre or non-woven felt. The roots of the plant can easily penetrate on the pores of coir pad. Grow stick are available in standard sizes or according to customer requirements.
Coco logs are used along stream, river, and lake banks to protect against scour. It consists of coir fiber or coir non -woven pads in the form of rolls and covered with coir nets. Coco logs are kept at the edge of the bank secured by wooden pegs may be used on alternate sides of logs. Coco logs work as a brake on waves and reduces the impact of erosion The natural product combination will support the development of plant by roots binding take over the protection. Coco logs are available in standard sizes or according to customer requirements.
Apart from coir fibre the other bi-product of the coir industry is the coir pith, which is mainly used as a growing media for the plants and also has replaced as a pot mixture by converting it to compost.
The journey so far through this paper has thus unraveled the macro views of this new venture of textiles interference into Agriculture. We have observed the reduced usage of harmful pesticides and herbicides to render a healthy farming culture. Unique manufacturing techniques and properties of this blend of agrotextile sector products whose cost is lesser than that of pesticides and chemical herbicides have been discussed.

Textiles prove to be flexible in its suitability for specific geographical locations. So now it’s our turn, to carefully and beautifully shape this infant technology, to contribute to a developed economy and thus a developed country.

Coir is having a very high potentiality in agro textile application. Its moisture retention capability and high wet strength has been excellent and the characteristic has been made use extensively in agro textile applications.
“Textile is a global text which has the extra style of applications in all fields, - feel it and endure it”!!
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